Here's Rip Esselstyn with Amy Robuck, from the TODAY SHOW, a show I have watched since I was in the first grade. I like this picture, because when I was taking a media-training class last fall, our instructor, a former sportscaster, gave us insights about what to do and not to do on TV. I remembered seeing this and thought, "Wow, this guy is awesome."
Rip E., is the brain child behind ENGINE 2, and the energy that you see if the real deal. He states in his book, that as a fire fighter, we wanted to save peoples' life in another and more purposeful way, and teaching a plant based approach to living was a good thing. The fact that I have had the opportunity to interact with Rip has been a blessing. He and his entire family, and the posse of people who've banded with them, will be responsible for changing the way that people approach "plant based eating," and meeting the maximum of health and well being.
You know that I am N-E-V-E-R at a loss for words, but my life has been touched in a way I have never known before. I am almost speechless. Aside from the warm and fuzzy stuff, I am also learning so much about nutrition. I want to refer to myself as a "Plant Strong Whole Foodie." Not a vegan, nor a person who eats "plant based," (it makes me think that I will be eating a Wandering Jew, or something).
The food here is perfect and beautiful. And, it tastes like manna from heaven. I see the importance of eating at a table, and not at my desk. I see the importance of chatting and chewing with others. Overeating is a disease of isolation. Eat with others, you'll always find something to say...
Our breakfasts are wonderful. Today, we had "E2 Muffins" and they are awesome. I've made these at home and tweaked them a little bit...take a peak and make these, you will LOVE them.
"Mighty Muffins" from the E-2 Diet book, page 160.
You'll Need
3 cups of oat bran
1 t of baking powder
1/2 t of salt
4 T of agave or maple syrup
Juice of one lemon
1 large apple, grated.
3 brown bananas
1 large mashed sweet potato
1 t of pumpkin spice
1/4 of walnuts, chopped
1/4 cup of raisins
3/4 of water
Preheat oven to 375F. Combine all dry ingredients. Squeeze the lemon in the apple, sweet potato, and banana mixture. Add walnuts, raisins, and water. combine the wet and dry ingredients. Pour into gently sprayed muffin tins and bakes for 45 minutes or until golden brown.
These are good. Wheat free. High in flavor and they freeze well.
These days are filled with hope and joy. You don't really have to look too far to find joy.
Thought for the day: Search yourself to find an open heart.
This is my tweaked version of the recipe, E2 uses six bananas...these are good.