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Sunday, February 21, 2010

You Gotta Shake it to Make It...

Micronutrients are my new best friend. When I wasn't following my combo of Pirello/Fuhrman/Esselstyn (sounds like a Park Avenue law firm, doesn't it?), I was ALWAYS, and I mean, ALWAYS hungry. Now, eating fresh leafy greens, fruits and grains, I am NEVER hungry (really). My body no longer craves any kind of food.

One thing I do love is a great shake (smoothie if you will). I don't have a fancy-smancy blender, in fact, I have a $15 individual blender (Hamilton Beach), that I love, be/c it is also a travel mug, so I can make the smoothie, and bam, I am done and gone!

Here's an easy recipe for a cool looking and delicious tasting shake:

One cup of Vanilla Almond Milk (there are variations...sugar, no sugar, etc, read the labels)
1/2 cup frozen mango
1 cup of baby lettuce greens

First, add the frozen mango and milk, and give it a "whir." Then, add the greens, gradually.

You'll end of with a great tasting shake that will make your friends "green with envy."

Tip of the Day: Planning your daily menu helps you shop better, and in the long, run, you'll save more $$$$. Really.

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