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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Still Eating Plants

The New Delivery Ladies from Candle 79 West

Guess which one is the Silver Haired Vegan?  The brunette, my friend Deb, is also a vegan...I hang out with lots of vegans.  We are not boring.

Hello and happy December.  So, so busy.  Eating plants.  Working out at a new gym.  Making sugar-free jam. And trying to find balance, just like everyone else.

You can find me regularly over at the Engine 2 Diet, where I have been blogging in a column called "Saving Time with Char."  It's my approach to fast, delicious plant-strong food that doesn't keep you in the kitchen for hours at a time.  On Engine 2 Extra, I get to work with "members" who are on this journey to eat plant-based, and embrace a healthier lifestyle.  And sometimes, one of my blog entries becomes the "featured" blog of the day.

The primary cornerstones of being plant-strong involve the following:

-No salt, sugar, oil

-No dairy, eggs, meat, fish

-No white flour, rice

If you want to find out more information, visit:  www.Engine2Diet.com

You can also find out lots about Engine 2 Extra.  Both worth your time and energy.

I'll see you again.  Don't worry, I am not hidden in a vat of cookie dough.

Love.  Love.


  1. Hi Char-Ive always wanted to be a vegan (but at the moment I am really far from it!) I think what youre doing is quite admirable. This diet sounds a little strict... I think the no salt/sugar/oil/rice bit would be super tough! But more power to you. I know the vast majority of brain-washed america would think you are out of your mind. Your body must love you though :) Congratulations and keep it up!!!
    and I have to say- youre gorgeous-what wonderful hair and glasses! :)

