Truth be told, had this been more than two years ago, I'd have maybe felt the same way, but handled it in a much differently. I'd have headed to a food store, bought a bunch of non-related foods, and would have started eating in my car. Most of the foods would have been calorically dense, high fat, high sugar foods. And when I got home, I'd have thrown any evidence away, come through the door, made a snack, and then, because I was exhausted from emotion and sugar, I'd have taken a nap.
But yesterday was way different. I was hungry, angry, lonely, tired (the HALT trigger), but when I came home, I just took a nap. When I woke up, I had a snack, then started to make dinner--veggies and whole wheat pasta and a big old salad. I still felt sad, but my bounceback was this...I didn't have to beat myself up because I ate a bunch of crap. My thoughts were clear, because there was only healthy, good, clean food in my system. I called a friend to "shake this off," and went on with my day. After our chat, I felt so much better. A good friend is a good thing to have.Food isn't the answer to solving problems. Only took me 62 years to figure this out. A friend often says, "You're mad? You're sad? You'll get glad."
So, let the sadness subside. I started to do an Oprah thing, and count my blessings, and really, after I made a list of all the good things in my life, I started to feel so much better. In the end, my upset feelings were "papas chicas," (small potatoes).
I once read the Louise Hay book, Life is Uncertain, Eat Dessert First. I like desserts...and this is what we had with our dinner last night. Simple to make and totally delicious.
By the way, I no longer eat in my car.
Chia Seed Pudding
2 cups of vanilla, unsweetened almond milk
2/3 cup of chia seeds
1/4 date cup syrup
1 teaspoon of vanilla
Mix well together. Place in refrigerator over night. It comes out like tapioca. Very tasty.
Hi Charlene - I met you the other day at Whole Foods. Nice to meet you again online! I completely admire your commitment to a plant-strong lifestyle. I'm sure it's not always easy to keep it up. I love plants myself, but I'm not 100% plant-strong. :P Anyway, I want to wish you the best of health and wellness, I'm enjoying your candid blog. :)