When I meet my friend Christina Pirello for lunch, we usually go to South Philly at Valentino's for lunch. They have great whole wheat pasta, and make the best arugula salad (without oil) that I have ever had. I eat the same thing when I go there--soup and salad.
Now, I do not mind spending $7 for a bowl of soup...but a cup of soup in a fancy bowl for $7? I mean, maybe it would cost $2 to make. I love this soup and decided to pick Christina's culinary mind for a run down of ingredients. She helped me figure it out, and I came home and created my own purer version of this delicious soup.
With the holidays around the corner, I need an arsenal of creative and new recipes to help keep me motivated and excited about being plant strong. I love being plant strong and I love how I feel, not just physically, but in general, fabulous. This is not a diet for me; for me it is a dietary belief. I have no carve-out days for indulgences from the other side. But, that's just me. There is no turning back for me. Plant strong, baby, plant strong.
Make this soup...you will love it!
Garbanzo Lemon Soup
2 cans of garbanzo beans, no added salt
10-12 garlic cloves
1/4 water
1 sprig of fresh rosemary
1/4 red pepper flakes
1/4 teaspoon of reduced sodium tamari
2-3 lemons
Take the garlic gloves and place in a very hot pan, add about 1T of water, and brown them, shake the pan a good deal to prevent burning. Once they are a lovely brown color, add the two cans of beans (with liquid). Add water, spices, and allow to simmer. When the garlic is soft, you are good.
Remove the garlic and mash it with a fork. Return it to the soup.
Remove about one cup of soup and put it in a blender and puree (it will look like hummus). Return it to the soup, and stir. This will add thickness.
Finally, add the juice from 2-3 lemons.
Stir well.
Time to dig in. Serve it with a salad and a piece of Masterbacher whole grain bread...perfect dinner.
Oh, and the best part? With the leftovers, the next day, MAKE HUMUS! It makes OUTRAGEOUS humus. I call this "Double Duty Soup." It's all in the lemons!
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