You probably thought that I was stuck in a vat of cookie dough, didn't you? Nope, just busy, and really busy reading other blogs, books, and articles about the virtues of living the plantbased life. Here's a brief recap...
November: Great birthday, survived the Thanksgiving rush at work and lived to tell the tale. Went to the opening of a friend's artshow, and that was splendid.
December: Survived the holiday rush at work. Made lots of thick and delicious soups.
January: Attempted to do that half-marathon...got in the wrong corral, and the rest is that I got swept with three seconds to spare. I was devastated. I bounced back though, and went to the opening of the Wellness Center at the WFM in Princeton, NJ. Quite an amazing thing when you think about it...that a grocery store really wants its shoppers to feel better and take better and more focused care of themselves. Yup, that is WFM. Went to Martha Stewart. This is her swan song year on TV.
February: Survived wrapping hundreds and hundreds of roses and tulips, on behalf of Cupid. Got a new boss...my fifth in eight years.
March: Amazed that we had such a mild winter. Really mild. The vegetables keep rolling in. Planned a vegan sit down dinner for 40 people...at work. Great fun. I love spreading the plantbased word of life. Helped to launch a Philly premiere of the movie VEGUCATED.
April: Here I am! Planting a garden. Still exercising. Still eating plants, and only plants. Feeling blessed that this plant-strong life of mine is reinforced with joy and strength, no matter how rough a day may have been.
I'll post some new recipes, soon. I just wanted to say hello. Eat your plants. Share your joy. Spread some love.