Well, it's November. For most people, it is the prelude to America's biggest food day, Thanksgiving. For me, it is BIRTHDAY MONTH! And what totally freaks me out is that I will be an age that seems surreal. I remember when my Mom was 62, and to me, she seemed old. To me, I feel 33.
I'm busy perfecting a plant-strong Thanksgiving maincourse that resembles the commerical Jardein Roast...but without the oil and salt. And, I think I am well on my way. I've got the consistency thing down, just need to adjust the spices. It is stuffed with fresh cranberries and walnuts--I think it will be a winner. With an abundance of fall vegetables and curvy-looking squash, I am never bored with preparing a plant-based dinner.
Here's a quick and easy recipe for "Baked Butternut Squash Fries." I cook them in a pizza pan where the air circulates and makes the squash super cripsy.
But, before I post the recipe...here's my thought for the day. It has been streaming through my mind...sort of a weave of age and what we learn. If someone had planted a copy of the ENGINE 2 DIET in my life when I was, say, 30, I believe that the fabric and outcome of my life, as I know it, would have been very different than it is today. No regrets, of course, but this plant stuff just helps to measure and balance my life with ease. I wish there was a re-do button, because my life would have been outlined with plant-strong beliefs to make my life more productive, less anger driven, etc.
Can't turn back. Only move forward. But, I have new tools and it makes my journey more rewarding. You hear me say all the time, "Power to the Plants." And more power to turning 62 in a few short weeks.
Here's that recipe I promised you...these are all tested and created by me in my very small kitchen!
This is a pleasant new texture.
Squash Oven Fries
One Large Butternut Squash
One aerated pizza pan
Peel and clean the squash. Cut into matchsticks or cubes.
Turn oven to 400 degrees F.
Spread on pizza sheet. Every 15 minutes or so, move squash with a spatula so that they do not stick.
Cook for about 45 minutes.
These are nice and crunchy and very flavorful. Adds new texture to a favorite vegetable. Really, they taste as though you've fried them! Enjoy.
Never look back. Embrace today. Eat a squash fry!